Introducing the Bandai Kamen Rider Blade Japan Legend Rider Series 13! This exciting action figure from Bandai Japan features the heroic Kamen Rider Blade in a detailed and poseable figure. This figure is the thirteenth figure in the Legend Rider Series, and is sure to be a must-have for any collector of Japanese anime toys. With its intricate sculpt and vibrant paint job, this figure is sure to be a standout in any collection. With multiple points of articulation, you can recreate your favorite scenes from the show! Add this heroic figure to your collection today!
Bandai Kamen Rider Amazons Transform Belt Neo Amazons Driver
$254.56 Original price was: $254.56.$178.19Current price is: $178.19.
Bandai Kamen Rider Blade King Form Japan Legend Rider Series 14
$17.90 Original price was: $17.90.$12.53Current price is: $12.53.
Bandai Kamen Rider Blade Japan Legend Rider Series 13
$69.22 Original price was: $69.22.$48.45Current price is: $48.45.
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